Saturday, November 7, 2015

Considering Visual Elements

For the next part of my project, I will be looking at the visual aspects of my piece. To do this, I will answer questions of my choice from Writing Public Lives.

Missy-Deluxe. "Girl, Pretty, Nature." 8-23-2014 via Pixabay
Public Domain 

  1. What color should the background and font be?
    1. Since I am writing an article, I want it to be easy to read and navigate. In order to do this, I will have a white background with black text, as New York Times does. This is the easiest for people to read and looks professional. 
  2. Does the association of the image go with my text?
    1. I want to include pictures of common core problems, as well as a cover photo of a classroom. The relates to my topic and can also be used as evidence. 
  3. If the image is a chart, does it support my argument?
    1. I have a couple of graphs I do want to use, and I feel like I can easily use them both as evidence for my argument. 
  4. How can large text boxes be used to break up the text?
    1. Interchangeably use text and pictures to create a dynamic looking page. 
  5. Is the visual concern constant?
    1. I'll by using the same type of pictures throughout my piece, so everything will go together. 
  6. Are the pictures faced the most convincing first?
    1. I need to make sure pictures go with specific paragraphs, and keep this distinction closer to me. 

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