Saturday, December 5, 2015

Revisiting My Writing Process

At the beginning of the year, I wrote about my writing style and my weekly calendar (in order to see how much time I had for homework). In the post below, I'm going to do some reflection on the changes to these responses.

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When I wrote about my writing process, I knew that over the semester that could easily change. Throughout the semester, the blog posts kept me really on track with my projects, and this helped me learn that when I devoted roughly equal times to each part of the project, I felt more confident writing and produced better work. I think it's awesome that I was able to learn this about my writing style, because I think being able to plan on paper and break down arguments before I actually start trying to write about it is very beneficial to my writing. However, my calendar reflection still applies. I have a fixed work schedule for school, so it is hard to change that too much.

Now, I think I am a much more balanced writer. I think that as I write more and more, I will be more motivated to break down the process piece by piece. I think that this course has helped prepare me for getting a variety of assignments. Even in my history class, I had to learn how historians write papers and then use that style while writing. I think that being able to adapt of different types of projects will be extremely useful throughout college.

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