Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

Common Core standards affect a lot of people in different ways, so below I have created a flowchart to keep the information organized. In the flowchart I broke the affected parties into their own categories, providing information on how these groups voice their opinions, what the popular opinions are, and what the group values in the midst of common core. 

Link to chart here

One of the flowcharts I looked at was Aaron West's, and I really liked how he had everything set up. His chart was all connected, so different groups could be seen affecting other groups directly. I thought that was a really good tool to use, especially in a controversy where everything affects others. The other chart I looked at was Betsy Volk's, and hers was interesting i that she set her chart up opposite of mine. Instead of starting with groups, she started with values, modes of imparting opinions, and the other required fields. Once inside the branch, she split the different groups up, then went into further examples. The only thing that I could see to make it better would be to have more detail. 

After looking at these two charts, I think mine should have had maybe more breaking off points, like Betsy's, in order to go into further detail or include more information. Although I like the connectedness of Aaron's, I like the color coded aspect of coggle as well. 

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