Saturday, September 19, 2015

Paragraph Analysis

For this post I analyzed my own paragraphs in order to see where I was strong and what I need to work on for my QRG.

Here is a link to my analysis.

McPhee, Nic. "Editing a Paper - 01." January 26, 2008 via Flickr.
Public Domain. 


  • transitions
  • including both sides or argument 
  • using titles 
  • some hyperlinking, should include more 
  • introductory point in some paragraphs lacks substance or hook
  • conclusion paragraph needs work to make piece memorable or important 
  • maybe needs to include more content? 
Overall, I learned that my paper is really good in some areas but needs work in others. I can transition within and between paragraphs mostly okay, but I need to work on the topic sentences to make them stronger. I think too that I may need to add more paragraphs. I could find more sources and add that content in as well to do this. 

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