Saturday, September 26, 2015

Developing a Research Question

For the start of the next project I will need a research question going even deeper into the controversy I wrote about in my QRG, which is available in my post, "QRG FINAL DRAFT." Below are some possible research questions for this project as well as some explanation behind them.

Everett, Valerie. "Questions?" 11-4-2008 via Flickr.
Public Domain
Common core math is the center of a huge debate on public education. Many people are arguing over how it helps students, if it even does, if it will raise American education internationally, or if they will be easier for teachers to use. Common core is brand new, so one of the other big problems with it is that many don't understand it. This is why a lot of arguments pop up about its effectiveness, or lack thereof.

Some Possible Questions:

How are common core math standards helping to increase understanding of mathematical concepts?

Why would common core math standards raise American education scores internationally? How do common core standards compare to other countrys' education standards?

How do common core math standards increase students' abilities to analyze or prove mathematical concepts?

How are the new common core standards easier for teachers to use in their classrooms? Do these standards increase a teachers' effectiveness?

I would really like to explore common core's direct effect on student understanding. From a teacher's perspective, I would want my students to be able to understand why math works the way it does because it makes solving problems (and harder math concepts) easier. Knowing exactly why common core achieves this interests me so much because I would want to use it effectively in helping my students learn and understand math.

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