Saturday, October 24, 2015

Narrowing My Focus

In my last post I asked a bunch of questions about my controversy of choice. In this post, I will describe a couple of these questions and explain the importance behind them.

Jason Garber. "Deliberating." 7-14-2008 via Flickr.
Public Doman
Question 1:
How are studies on common core conducted and how are these credible?
I like this question because I think it is important to look at numerical evidence for my argument to be effective. I think this question is a good question to focus on during my research because it will help me find good sources.

Question 2:
What do other countries education systems look like in comparison to common core?
One of the biggest downsides of common core in America is that no one really knows how it will turn out. Comparing it to other countries can provide good context to the audience and more evidence to dispute this argument.

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