Saturday, October 24, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

I am very pleased with my final draft of my project 2 paper, linked in a blog post below. I thought I edited well and am happy with the structure I used to speak with my audience. In this post, I will conduct a formal reflection by answering some guiding questions, pictured below.

Joy Kosik. "Screenshot of Writing Public Lives Questions." 10-24-2015.  

  1. In my final draft, I completely changed the intro and conclusion, and made minor additions or changes to sentences in the body paragraphs. One of the biggest changes was the way I addressed my audience specifically. I included an intro to them as well as a conclusion for them, and throughout the paper (which I used as an example) I commented tips and explanations of the essay itself. 
  2. I made sure that my thesis referenced my arguments of the paper, and referenced the thesis throughout to keep my paper on topic. Most of the time I struggle with staying focus, so this forced my example paper to stay organized. The comments also allowed the example to look smooth and not be interrupted. 
  3. I made these changes because of my audience. In my first draft, I had trouble addressing them and only wrote an example piece. I think by changing it to reflect my personal audience, it made the example more effective. 
  4. These changes showed that I am willing to change formats to something that might be necessary but not normal for me. For example, I hate addressing the audience directly in an essay like that. For this piece though, I addressed the audience in my paper and in my example, something I've always had trouble with. 
  5. These changes directly address the audience, so it made my paper way better in these terms. 
  6. My intro and conclusion sound the most different to me in regards of my normal writing style. I tried to make them flow better and be more interesting, so I used sentence structures I used to shy away from and a style that is more confident than I usually write with. 
  7. I think these changes makes my argument more clear to the reader, mostly because I was more dramatic in argument. 
  8. In the essay, I wanted to write a piece that explained why Kessler was effective. I could have argued the opposite, so to me that makes this example essay almost persuasive. In this sense, it was easier for me to include effective evidence. That was how I thought of this genre while writing my example analysis. 
  9. Reflecting lets me think about all the steps in my writing process, and I always learn new tricks while reflecting about writing. This essay was the first time I used some different styles and techniques compared to my old writing, so I learned how I liked those and how to use them in the future. 

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