Saturday, October 24, 2015

Questions About Controversy

In the post below, I will be asking various questions about a controversy I will write about. For this next project, I will be arguing how and why Common Core Standards are effective and a positive change to the education world.

jeralt. "Board, Questions." 12-18-2014 via pixabay.
Public Domain

What are the opinions of most teachers on common core?
Are students as invested in these changes as adults, or do most know very little?
Who created common core in the first place?

Is common core actually effective?
Will common core raise our education rankings internationally?
Is there something better than common core?

When did common core first get released?
When did the first state adopt common core?
When will we see the real world effects of common core?

What states have implemented common core?
What states have not implemented common core?
What do other countries education systems look like in comparison to common core?

How are people reacting to common core on social media? Is this mostly negative or positive?
How do teachers respond to the controversy? What genre do they typically use?
How are studies on common core conducted and how are these credible?

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